Thursday, 26 March 2009

Anthem For England

We've just been debating God Save The Queen, not the concept of saving her like if she was drowning or stuck up to her waist in a peat bog or something nor the artistic merits of the Sex Pistols tune but the national anthem.

What do we all think of the National Anthem? thats the National Anthem of Great Britain.......(whats Great about it?) Whats not great is that its used as the national anthem of England which is wrong. England needs it's own anthem for sporting events, we should grasp hold of our identity and shout it out, be proud to be English but there you have a problem. If you proclaim your Englishness in our multi-cultural society you are by default making a racist statement, Saint Georges Day is celebrated less by English people (especially students) than St Patricks Day.

On the subject of racism there is a case in this area where a couple complained about the mess left behind by modern day highwaymen known as travellers and the cost to the local authority to clear it up but because they called them Gypsies and weren't too complimentary about them the council could not take their case up because the couples complaint was deemed to be racist in the eyes of the law saying their views 'contained statements that are based on negative assumptions about gypsies, travellers and travelling showpeople and / or could be construed as offensive'.

Sorry, I went a bit off track there back to the national anthem.

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well thats the first two lines of God Save The Queen, it's a dirge and very uninspiring thats my view, give us Land of Hope and Glory or Jerusalem. This site goes into a bit more depth, I vow to thee my country is another where did I put my tablets?

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